Leveraging CDP: Report accurate Scope 1-3 data and get regulation ready

Webinar on-demand

Future-proof your business through streamlined and comprehensive CDP disclosure. Experts from CarbonChain--a CDP accredited solutions provider--will guide you through carbon reporting under CDP's new questionnaire, focusing on the specific requirements and challenges for the metals, manufacturing and energy supply sectors.

Whether you're working to improve your score or just getting started with responding to customer and investor requests, you'll leave with practical actions to progress your journey through carbon reporting and become regulation ready.

This webinar will cover:

  • Overview of CDP disclosure
  • Timeline: Submitting in 2024 and 2025
  • New CDP questionnaire: key changes
  • How to improve your score – and quality of your carbon disclosure
    • Sector-specific requirements and tips (steel, metals and mining, oil and gas)
    • Key challenges
    • Scope 3 and supply chain data
  • Leveraging your CDP data for mandatory frameworks like EU CSRD and US SEC
  • Future-proofing your business: how to report carbon footprints beyond CDP for commercial and net-zero goals

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